Schedule a Sports Physical at Greater Roslindale Medical and Dental Center

Summer is drawing to a close and school is in full swing. If your child is planning on playing a sport this school year, it’s time to schedule their sports physical.

Why schedule a sports physical at Greater Roslindale Medical and Dental Center?   These important check-ups are best performed at your primary care clinic, which has your child’s complete medical record.  Any previous history of heart murmurs, orthopedic problems, asthma, prior concussion or other health conditions can impact their sports performance and participation can be addressed by your doctor and coach.  Appointments are easy to schedule by calling the registration desk at 617-323-4440.

“Sports physicals give us time to discuss important family history with patients and evaluate any issues that could cause them injury during the sports season, which is very important.” – Dr. Gilman

Additionally, remember to schedule your child's yearly physical.  It is very important for school-age children to be seen by their doctor every year.  It is a good time to see if your child has received all their vaccines, to check in on their growth, and talk about how to stay healthy.